Welcome to Greg's World, a place about me, disturbing and/or interesting glimpses into my world.
I was born, raised, and spent most of my life in Minnesota. The oldest of six kids, product of a broken home, I came of age in the 80's. I have a very strong sense of justice, like to sort things into two piles, right and wrong. I like to
Greg's World has a wide range of characters..
- Sandi is my long suffering artistic girlfriend. She's a 40ish country mouse who is trying to make it in the big city. This fiery redhead has three grown children of her own. She and I were born in raised in different worlds but she is the love of my life. She was born in a small town farm, me in the suburbs. Back in school now to train for a new profession: Studio Photographer.
- Megan is my firstborn child. A daddies girl until her sister arrived and unbelievably, a 13 yo leukemia survivor She is done with her chemo, but still has (and might always have) medical issues to deal with. Megan is an eight-grader in an art magnet school..
- Grace lives up to her name. My 9 yo daughter (going on 16) is the apple of my eye, always has a smile on her face and a song in her heart. Grace is in the 5th grade.
- Mia, Minnie and Meme are the pets. Mia is a short-haired black car with a patch of white on her belly. Technically Sandi's cat, she likes me better tho ;). She loves to be petted, but only on Mia's terms, must think it cute to flex her claws as you pet her, like she is saying 'pet me right or feel my fury!" She sleeps on her back. Minnie is a long-haired calico. Too weird to put into words. Something is seriously wrong with this cat. And Meme is the newest member of the family. She is a short-haired rat terrier. Meme is a mama's girl too. She is a nervous animal, growls at you if she doesn't know you, barks at the door (and doorbell from the tv) and defends the house when other dogs walk too close.. We are slowly training the dawg, or is she training us?
- Ewie is a an unwanted but necessary member of Greg's World. Mother of my children, pain in my ass.
- Random extras are also part of Greg's World. They will pop in from time to time.