I really like movies and
stories about time travel. It would be quite the adventure to go back
into the past or into the future. If given a choice, I will pick the
movie that has time travel in the plot 9 times out of 10!
Movies like Back to the
Future fuel my daydreams of what it would be like to try to make it in a
different time. Would I be able to survive, profit, change things
for the better, for worse?
There are people who claim
that time travel is impossible. Or that time travel paradoxes prove it is
impossible. For example the grandfather paradox:
Say you travel back in time
and kill your grandfather when he was a kid. How could you exist since he
never had your dad, or your dad had you, so YOU never existed, and could not go
back in time in the first place? Or if you meet yourself you will assplode the universe if you touch!!1! Or disappear if you do something to change the fabric of time..
I think if you traveled back and kilt ur grandpa, it would not make a difference, because he had already got granny pregnant, or he wasnt really ur grandpa, because someone took your granfathers idenity later on, or some such nonsense..
I think if you traveled back and kilt ur grandpa, it would not make a difference, because he had already got granny pregnant, or he wasnt really ur grandpa, because someone took your granfathers idenity later on, or some such nonsense..
I think time travel is
possible. BUT, if you could go back, you really couldn’t change
anything. I believe in free will, but
I also believe that everything is set, past and future will happen how they
happened already.
When I was 20, I chose to
enlist in the US Navy. I am now 49. I can look back 29 years and
remember the decisions I made that led to me serving my country for 6
years. 20 yo me couldn’t have decided not to join the Navy
because I did. I will be able to make my future choices, like the route I will drive into work tomorrow, but that does not mean that my future will be different if I take Route A verses Route B. My future will be what it already is when looked at from a future future like the day after tomorrow.
Whatever decisions any of
us make in the future will happen the way they will happen. This
does not take away your choice though. That being said, I think any time
traveler would have some real problems if they somehow were transported back to
the past or into the future.
The Help and MadMen was 50 years ago but there
so many changes from year to year its hard to really remember what life was like even a few years ago. We get so used to our toys. We scan out own damn groceries in lots of stores. Back in the early part of last century you didnt even get stuff off the shelf in the grocery store, you gave someone a list and they filled the order. It was beneath the dignity of the customer to gather their own crap. Now we pump our own gas!
We are sissies and could not survive another times diseases and living conditions. Sure most of us can go camping and can 'rough it' in the woods, but SO much has been done to our world. Our water is purified, food processed so our delicate digestive systems can handle it. Heck, drinking the water in Mexico is enough to make most ill for three days. We are used to the diseases from our time and area that would kill large chunks of another times or areas society. Simple things would kill us. An infected bug bite or scrape? Curtains.
Heck, I went for a walk last weekend, it was hot, I got sweaty, moist clothes rubbed against my tender body and I got a sore. I showered, had a change of clothes, some moisturizer and it was easily treated. in another time I might not have had these options and things could have gotten bad real quick!
Well, these are just my opinions, right or wrong. Nothing more to see here.. Move along.
Heck, I went for a walk last weekend, it was hot, I got sweaty, moist clothes rubbed against my tender body and I got a sore. I showered, had a change of clothes, some moisturizer and it was easily treated. in another time I might not have had these options and things could have gotten bad real quick!
Well, these are just my opinions, right or wrong. Nothing more to see here.. Move along.
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