Its a new year, chance for a redo. I have been on this earth for 49 years come April and have made my mistakes, made my bed, need to lay in it, That does not mean that I cannot chamge the linens, puff up the pillows..
Its also new year resolution time, time to make the yearly promises to start doing this, stop doing that. I am going to try to:
- Spend my money more wisely, live within a budget, increase income with parttime job or small business.
- Clean house, make it more livable, reduce the clutter and maybe make some cash selling some of it?
- Eat better and less, stop the multiplate buffets, portion control, cut out the crap
- Start using the gym at work, use the treadmill, weight training, try to increase flexibility.
- Become more marketable, increase my technical skills, be ready and able to switch jobs if something comes up
- Be a better father to my children..
Lots to shoot for, sure. But manageable I thinks..
Tomorrow I start a new role at work. They wanted me to work 2nd shift, 2-11pm, but I could not do that full time, so I negotiated and got them to agree to have me work 2nd shift every other week. It will suck having to changeup my schedule every other week but I will be able to still avoid becoming an 'everyotherweekenddad'. I will be refreshing my workstation or desktop skills, despite my employers best attempts at just using me as unskilled labor..
We had a real light winter so far but NYE really smacked us in the ass.. Real snow with freezing weather to make it stick around. be got an inch of ice everywhere, slightly above zero temps..
Well hope your new year is going well..