Monday, January 24, 2011


  So while it is not one of my 'new years resolutions' this year, I thought that I would like to work on my 'anger issues'  I dont think I am out of control, just that I expend so much energy at the idiots in the world, that it seems like they are winning when I get all upset that their shiat..

  So while I will not always 'win' I pledge this year to stop, take a moment and breathe, count to ten, and reflect if that a-hole is worth the energy I am about to spend.

  And I have actually won some of the battles this year.  There was a couple guys at the grocery store who was parked 
I walked away, looked for something else on my list, came back later..  That worked.  I did not blow my top.  As London Tipton says 'Yea Me!'

Some in the losses column are:
  • The guy at the liquor store who had his purchases rang up and left his farking SHOPPING CART right in my way!  The basteed knew what he was doing.  Something about the way he was moving, edging away from the cart.  Luckily an employee grabbed the cart and took it away.
  • People who pull into the right turn lane at a light, then speed through the intersection to continue forward without turning..  These a-holes usually have a left turn within a block just to twist the nipple a little bit more..

  • The neighbors across the street who park infront of my house..  Making me park around the corner sometimes..  Public street and all, they can legally park there, but ya think they would leave one space for a brother..
I think its part of me, this angry goblin that stews and vents..  And I think part of it is that I do not want to become someone who gets pushed around by the asshats in the world. 

I read on some blog today that there are benefits to meditating just 3 minutes a day, actual physical changes in the brain.  Thats not too hard, give a couple minutes each day to just chilling and letting yer mind wander?

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