Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mister Krabs? Its dinnertime.

My grandson JJ was over this past weekend.  He is almost the same age as younger daughter Grace (9 month younger) and they fight constantly, but thats not the point of this story.  We recently expanded out hermit crab collection to include 4 crabs, they live happily in a 45 gallon aquarium.  Mister Krabs is the largest crab, then theres Herman, and Hermania and another whose name keeps on changing.  JJ wanted to see a crab and and Mr K was there.  I picked him up and offered to let JJ hold him, but JJ was scared. 

My older daughter Megan said she would hold him and extended her hand in human-crab friendship.

The kids looked at the wonder in Megan's hand and suddenly Megan started saying 'Ow ow owwww' like she was in pain or something..  JJ looked a little scared but then we all started laughing at Megan's joke that Mister Krabs was hurting her.  When Megan kept it up I took a close look and there was a bit of her hand turning white from the pinch of the claw..  Just as I was going to free her from the monsters grasp he let go..  As Meester Krabs went back into his cage Megan said she would like Crab for dinner..

Megan sees 'some' humor in this tale, but not a lot..

Valentines Day past:

When I was in 4th or 5th grade my elementary school did allowed the childrens to pass out VD cards to their friends.  It wasn't like today where it was required that everyone got a card, oh no.  Schools thought nothing of having policies that taught ya how the world was really like.  A sad little boy who got "Charlie Brown'd"  was not something that caused any adult to lose sleep over..  So, in a desperate bid to avoid being 'the one' who did not get any VD cards, I went out and got an extra box and addressed em all to myself..  It was a brilliant plan see..  I would not be cardless, better still, I would have MORE than anyone else..  The school had a big box for everyone to put their cards into and I somehow managed to slip my 'illegal' cards into it without being spotted..  Life was good..  Muahahaha..  The best laid plans eh?

There was also a girl I liked, 'crushed on' I think the kids these days say.  Looking back I think she liked me too, but to a dopey kid in the 70's it was a unrequited love..

When it came time to pass out the cards the teacher picked my sweetie as one if the students to distribute the valentine cards..  The kids grabbed a handful and would walk over to the desk of the student who's name was on the card and hand them the card.  She passed out several and then all hell broke lose!  She handed me one of my fake cards, then another, then another..  'Curses!' I thought, 'I did not mix them in!'  Sweat broke out as she handed me more and more of the obviously fake cards.  I looked at my handwriting on the cards and just KNEW she knew it was me who tried this scam..  I think she said something like 'someone likes you' with a very cute smirk.  I died a thousand deaths that day..

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

That and this..

My eldest thinks I do not support her, when the frustration is with her mother not informing me of her activities..  The bee (mama) need an ass kickin..
My finances feel like they are in the toilet (heart speaking) but I know (head speaking) that I am on dry land.. Not the mountaintop, but not quicksand..  I am a disaster or jobloss away from problems, but hopefully will be able to get on solid ground soon..

Other than the above, things are goodish..  We got a new crop of pets..  Had a hermit crab for months now.  Herman, Gee's hermit crab, had been hanging on for months..  And we had a fish kill in the big aquarium (petsmart told us to use algae clean to remove the green from the water, kilt most of the fish, which we moved to the 10 gallon tank, leaving the big tank free for crabs) so Gee and I got two friends for Herman, Mr Crabs and xxx.  Emm needed to have a pet too, got a _tiny_ Pearl, crab which promptly died, Phenny replaced her, her?  So now we have 4 hermit crabs livin la vida loco..

Had some contractors out to look at putting addition onto the house.. Have some options..  One option is to almost double the living space in the house..  Add two bedrooms (and 600 sq feets) for 50K..  Another is to add 1 br for 20K.  Will have to wait until summer to see where I stand, to see what I can do..  KnowwhatImean?

My kids are growing so fast,,,  twas truly yesterday when they were infants,,  Not they are young ladies..  13 and 9..

My girls are really my world.  I think that if you distill the purpose for living, it comes down to making sure that your children are cared for.  Work, house, finances, all window dressing.  The end result is that they are cared for.

Well, think I need to sign out now..  Peace out.

My Girls

My Girls