Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mister Krabs? Its dinnertime.

My grandson JJ was over this past weekend.  He is almost the same age as younger daughter Grace (9 month younger) and they fight constantly, but thats not the point of this story.  We recently expanded out hermit crab collection to include 4 crabs, they live happily in a 45 gallon aquarium.  Mister Krabs is the largest crab, then theres Herman, and Hermania and another whose name keeps on changing.  JJ wanted to see a crab and and Mr K was there.  I picked him up and offered to let JJ hold him, but JJ was scared. 

My older daughter Megan said she would hold him and extended her hand in human-crab friendship.

The kids looked at the wonder in Megan's hand and suddenly Megan started saying 'Ow ow owwww' like she was in pain or something..  JJ looked a little scared but then we all started laughing at Megan's joke that Mister Krabs was hurting her.  When Megan kept it up I took a close look and there was a bit of her hand turning white from the pinch of the claw..  Just as I was going to free her from the monsters grasp he let go..  As Meester Krabs went back into his cage Megan said she would like Crab for dinner..

Megan sees 'some' humor in this tale, but not a lot..

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