Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cookin NE Style

I tried something new today.  I loves me some Cabbage Soup (with chiorizo for flavor) and went to the store for supplies.  Seen some eggroll wrapper and decided to make up some of those as well.  Was planning using chicken for the eggrolls but then thought wth, and got two packs of the tasty mexican sausage.

Cabbage So
You have a couple choices when it comes to cooking the eggrolls, baking or frying.  I also like to precook the fillings so that the cooking is quicker.  I decided to fry today

The first couple times I made up the soup I used a whole cabbage, and cut it by hand.  That got old quick.  So when I make up a batch now, I buy a back of the coleslaw, with carrots and boil for an hour or so.  Adding the cooked and crumbled chiorizo with its grease adds fantastic flavor.  I also drop if a few more things, green onions, shredded carrots,whatever is lying around the kitchen

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