Saturday, February 4, 2012

Coming in Threes

So I did my weekly grocery shopping when I discovered something nasty and had to go back to the grocery store..  Found out that the pepperoni package had a microscopic hole, the pepperoni and was discolored and.. off..  So I jump in the car and head off..

ONE: Right before I make to the main street, a car pulls out in front of me, from a parking lot.  I had the right of way.  I understand that others have the right to drive on the same roads as I do, and I also know that you can do things like pull out of an alley or driveway WHEN THE WAY IS CLEAR, when your action makes another slow down to avoid hitting your lame ass, you made are in the wrong.  The light was a changing, and of course, the inconsiderate ass slowly approaches the intersection, makes it through but sadly, I was stuck at the light, forced to wait a cycle.  Signing deeply, I tried not to let it bother me..

TWO: A couple miles up the road, I was nearing the grocery store and a car in the right lane switched to the left in front of me, without signaling.  Grrrr...

THREE: So I get to my turn.  There is a left turn lane for me, and for the oncoming traffic that makes this intersection sort of a crapshoot.  Sometimes you cannot see if the way is clear until you pull put into the intersections, if someone is turning left coming the other way..  So my no-signaling friend is turning there and makes his or her turn.  When I get there 10 seconds later a couple cars are in the other left turn lane blocking my view..  I think its safe but edge up a little..  The there is a honking from behind me  I start to go and there is a farking car speed towards me!  Not sure if the guy was being an incompetent dick, not looking before trying to rush me along, or an asshat KNOWING there was a car and TRYING to make me get into an accident..

Lesson learned.  Check every damn item before you put it in your cart I guess.. 

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