Monday, July 2, 2012

Lunch, Doing it Chicago Style [**** Four Stars]

We stopped by and old favorite for lunch this week.  Uncle Franky's  is located in NE Minneapolis, just west of Central Avenue and Broadway Street NE.

Its easy to overlook the small building the diner is in.  Its in the middle of a residential/warehouse district.  I drove past it for years barely noticing that there it was there, but when I finally ventured in I was sure glad I did!.

One of the things I do not like that they do not take your name when you order, but instead call out what you ordered when it is ready.  Makes me nervous that someone else might try to claim my food, but that has not happened to me or anyone else I know.  Its the one thing I would change if I had the choice.

It usually costs us well under 10 bucks a person to eat here, my usual meal is a couple Uncle Franky Dogs (real Vienna beef!) , basket of tasty fries and a soda, Since the joint is on the smallish side and the food is good it is sometimes hard to find a place to sit as there are other customers.  In the summer there is a couple tables available right outside

The good:
  • Friendly staff, tasty and inexpensive food.
The not so good:
  • Usually a line, sometimes it takes a bit to get your food ordered, small joint, sometimes hard to find a place to park your ass.  

Our Rating:  ****  4 our of 5 stars

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